Data Access Viewer: Changes

We’ve made some changes to the back-end processing in the Data Access Viewer (DAV) and they will affect the outputs a bit. I’ll do a review of what’s different here and how the new processing works. Overall, the primary shift has been to a greater reliance on the open source PDAL and GDAL packages. That means you can replicate a lot of the same processing yourself if you want something slightly different. These changes are only to the processing of point clouds. Changes went into affect October 22, 2021.


Perhaps the biggest change is with contours. DAV has been using a commercial tool that creates the contours from a triangulated irregular network (TIN) and then tries to simplify the lines and make them a little smoother. However, they were still pretty jagged and the simplify flag could result in output that was not topologically correct. There was the potential for contours to cross, which is generally considered “not good”. Although extracting the contours from a TIN will make them truer to the data, you don’t necessarily want every little dip and rise in someone’s lawn represented. Nor do you want the inherent noise in any point cloud to add irrelevant detail.

We’ve taken the approach that contours are meant for human interpretation and smoothness is desirable. Instead of a TIN, we’re going to generate a raster and then extract the contours from it. There are multiple methods of interpolation to create that raster, but we’ve noticed that the rasters from the ANUDEM program, using splines, are a bit smoother than some of the other methods we have (more on those methods below). We’re going to use that method for now, but it may change as we learn more. It’s possible that the interpolation method may become an option for contours, although it will probably need to be an advanced option.

To give you some idea of how different the contours are, below are two sets of contours over the same raster. The raster was generated as just the average value per cell with filling for small gaps. The first set of contours are from a TIN with simplification turned on. The second set is using splines to make a raster and contouring with gdal_contour.

Image illustrating the more jagged and noisy contours produced from a triangulated irregular network of the points.
Contours from a TIN with some simplification.
Image illustrating smoother contour lines produced from a raster created using splines.
Contours from a raster created with spline interpolation.

Just the reduction of small polygons that probably have little meaning is enormous. The contours from the raster have roughly a third as many features as the ones directly from the TIN. It’s entirely possible that some of the features that were smoothed out of existence had significance for someone’s project. Unfortunately, there is no perfect answer for contours. They are already a simplification of the data, so if you need all the detail, you’re likely better off going to a raster or TIN version of the data.

Raster Interpolation

The DAV systems offers several options to generate a raster from a point cloud. Several of them used commercial tools requiring regular acquisition of a new license, which put the system at risk if we couldn’t get the paperwork done in time. These methods included TIN, average/mean, minimum, and maximum. Luckily, the open source PDAL and GDAL packages were able to step in for all of them. PDAL was already in use for inverse distance weighting (IDW).

Min, Max, and Mean

The page for writers.gdal in the PDAL documentation gives a good example of how PDAL and GDAL are combined to generate a raster from a lidar point cloud and that’s the pattern we followed. For the case where you want to fill small gaps, we use the GDAL command with a maximum distance of 5 pixels. If you would like to fill further than that, just take the outputs and run with a larger maximum distance.


The triangulated irregular network was a bit trickier. There is an example in the PDAL documentation, but it isn’t obvious. If you look at the documentation for the writers.raster, the first example shows how to do a TIN. However, it uses a filter called filters.faceraster that doesn’t currently show up in the list of filters on the PDAL page. That filter does have some needed options for setting the bounds of the output. However, we still have a problem with the TIN output, especially when we’re working at the coastline. We want to be able to limit how far it extrapolates so we aren’t making triangles out into a harbor if we don’t have bathy data. At the coast, we’re very likely to have a jagged edge of valid data and the seaward or lakeward areas should be empty instead of having a TIN interpolated value.

I don’t believe there is a simple automated solution to removing the areas you don’t want interpolated while retaining the ones you do using only the data itself. We do want to fill in areas like lakes and the holes left by buildings, but don’t want to extrapolate out to sea. Our previous solution would remove triangles that had a leg longer than a threshold. This kept it from going out to sea, but the threshold small enough to do that also left a lot of holes.

PDAL does not appear to have a feature to remove long triangles, so a different approach was needed. Our current solution is to take the point cloud and derive the concave boundary with PDAL’s hexbin filter. This boundary has polygons describing the areas with data, including having all the holes. A python script using GDAL’s OGR routines deletes interior holes in the hexbin output as we want to allow interpolation over the holes left by buildings. We use the boundary as a cutline for the raster in GDAL’s gdalwarp command, thus clipping out all the areas where we didn’t want interpolation.

An image is shown illustrating that the holes from lakes and buildings are filled while the bay is not.
Raster interpolation using a TIN in Winyah Bay, SC. A clipping polygon was created based on the points for the entire request. This dataset was made as six output tiles, each of which was clipped with the polygon.

The result is by no means perfect, but it’s pretty good for only using the data to drive it. The example above shows a large job in the Winyah Bay, SC area. Little lakes and building footprints have been filled in, but the bay has not, though it retains the islands. This is what we were looking for. However, you’ll note at the bottom that there are a couple of rivers that aren’t filled for a little bit because their gaps extend to the edge of the area I selected. That’s the trade-off. Gaps that extend to the edge will have their interpolated values clipped out.

I think the next step that would be required to improve the output is to use breaklines to determine the clipping or filling. While those exist for many datasets, the variations in their construction make using them in an automated system challenging. A lot of manual labor will need to go into cataloging and normalizing what we have.

Other Changes

Tile Sizes

Some of the changes above ended up enabling other beneficial changes. Previous products that used a TIN, including the contours, were using a 32-bit program and that had us limited to a tile layout that would keep the number of input points below about 15 million per tile. Using 64-bit PDAL, we aren’t hitting that limit and can make significantly bigger tiles. We haven’t tested the limits, but 120 million points is not a problem and we may go larger than that. That means a lot less tiles for you and fewer potential issues at tile boundaries. Tiles are now targeted to have 10,000 pixels per side.

DXF Format

We originally created DXF format from the shapefiles, created by the contour program, and then modified to add the z-component in each vertex. The converter was old, home-grown, circa 2000 software that never seemed to work well for AutoCAD users. While gdal_contour is still outputting shapefiles (maybe geopackage in the future), we’re now using ogr2ogr to create the DXF files and I’m hoping that will be a better product. Time, and users, will tell.


Incorporating PDAL as more fundamental to the processing stream could allow some additional products to be generated. Already in the plans are potential products that can be used without a GIS system, though they will lack the ability to extract data values. PDAL can also output a mesh in PLY format and that could be translated to formats used by 3D printers, making it an interesting candidate. If you know of other outputs you’d like to see from the system, please let us know. Just recognize that it is automated, so anything that requires someone to put eyes on isn’t feasible.


  1. Kirk, Just wanted to say the the new smoothing option is working great in my opinion. It makes the contours look so much better. One thing I was wondering if you could add at some point, is the ability to name the export file. I will export multiple jobs a day some times and it would be great if we could name the export file. Not a big deal though. Thanks for your work on this.


    • Brad,
      That ability to name jobs has been lingering on the “ToDo” list for a long time. The more people that have to touch the system to make it happen, the longer it takes to happen and that one touches all the parts. I’m sure you’re not the only person that would like to see that, but now that someone has put the desire in writing it might move up higher on the priorities.
      I’m hoping to push out the ability to create PDF and KMZ output very soon.


  2. […] the same way they would be if you requested them as data products from the DAV and there’s a previous post that describes how they were made. Open source software was leveraged to take those products and make the new ones, specifically GDAL […]


  3. Kirk,
    Thank you for this service! I download the contours to .dxf to use in autocadLt for mapping and pre-oct update for contours the files would often times have sections missing (3-5 contours in random places) and the work around was to download a couple of files and fill in as needed. The larger the area the more missing contours. The files were also crisp and showed excellent site detail for stormwater flow paths abandoned access roads etc. The updates post Oct make the files easier to get larger files without any missing contours which is great, but. . . Each contour has it’s own layer instead of just looking at the properties (that can add a lot of layers), the lines are smooth removing important subtle ditch and drainage detail. Is there a way to get the detail back into the files?


    • Andy,
      That’s an interesting question. I think I’d have to change the front-end so you had a choice about some of those things. The old way made the contours from a TIN of the points. A commercial package did that and output a shapefile. We then converted the shapefile to a DXF using custom code we wrote circa 2000. It was always a little problematic and the fact that we don’t have AutoCAD to test with made that even worse. The new way is making a raster first and generating contours from that, resulting in smoother contours. Those contours are converted to DXF using the open source GDAL/OGR package. I think most people prefer the smoother contours, so I wouldn’t want to switch back without providing choices. Why the new DXF files have each contour in a layer and the old didn’t will require a bit of sleuthing and digging into the DXF format spec. What I’d really love to see is a format for contours other than DXF that CAD users can use. Particularly one that is more space efficient. Do you happen to know of one of those?


      • Kirk,
        That all makes sense. AutoCad 3d, civil etc can process point data to create the topo maps or with .shp files. The Lt verson is just limited. It probably makes sense for me to step up to one of those.


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